
We Begin Again!

We are happy and excited to start this #100daydreamchallenge over again.

This challenge was introduced to us by one of our online influencer Brother Ben X he challenged his followers to do something for the next 100 days. I decided to commit to blogging everyday for 100 days. That was something I’ve always wanted to do I always admired

Seth Godin , he blogs something everyday.

So today is the 1st day of the next 100 days of blogging! This will be my 3rd time this year!!! Yay me!!!

Stay tune for more blog post to come!!!

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High

Show up and Be Committed!

There is a time when you challenge yourself to be committed to a goal you set. Many times everything starts out you are totally excited and you envision yourself getting to the finish line. Yay! Then all of a sudden busy schedules and other commitments getting in the way or the I don't feel like attitude shows up. Uh Oh your in trouble! Yep because now you ready to give in to excuses. However for me I'm looking to push through on the challenges and show up. It might not be perfect and I may make errors along the way but I'm committed. How do you push through and be committed to your goal?

Everyday Writing

Vibe High