
My Truth ... My Success.....

Reflections of Success on my journey in Photography….

Elisha Akram - Brand Ambassador for the everyday person

Shiny Pretty Success Business 

Dreams of Success using the natural gifts that we possess and learning things along the way. 

I never looked at myself as successful. Although I've been running around with my camera for years and at one point I was capturing so many special events I was like ... I am the women I'm running this event scene in Atlanta 

I'm the go to event photographer and I'm working with so many event planners and what makes it even better is that I'm a Certified event planner too!

That makes my job even better. Not only do I capture great images to tell the story of the event, but I pay attention to details and I'm building everyone’s portfolio! 

Yay me!!! 

Well well.... it wasn't until I attended a photography workshop and I straight came out of my bubble.... I thought everyone in attendance were new to this game of photography , but when I start seeing all the photo gear and seeing photos taken by my fellow photographer I suddenly realize... Oh you are not who you think you are for sure. 

I became intimated and now I didn't want to show my work due to being called out by rookie errors and not knowing the proper way to balance light for the photos. 

Well I continued into my dream world of being the go to social event photographer and I was determine to polish up my skills 

So again I would look at all these magazine worthy photos and great shots with beautiful lighting with hopes that one day I will be that successful photographer

I had hopes to work with some of the finest vendors in Atlanta! 

Then one day after going through some images from an event I realize I worked along side of a vendors that is in the who's who of events around Atlanta and that wow... You really are successful.

uncertain of what that really meant for me in the beginning but through this journey I realize you have captured amazing images you work with amazing vendors and your images have been used in magazines, blogs book covers flyers and so much more. So success is all in what it is meant to you personally and goals that you set out to achieve... 

So re design success on what that means to you and you will be and Already Are successful!

Elisha Akram You Can Photographer.jpg

It's a great day to be alive.

Elisha ~