keep going

Anything is Possible

"Anything is possible when you are committed"

This quote I came across this evening and found it befitting for me currently working to complete a few digital products that have been in the works. The moment I felt like throwing in the towel and working to completion at another time. It was at that moment I gave myself a little self talk and encouragement. I reiterated to myself that I can do it and I have to keep going. As a result it gave me a second wind! I not only was able to complete what I was working on it allow more information to flow through me providing more to project! I'm happy that I stayed committed and kept going~

Small Steps Everyday

As we begin the journey of blogging everyday once again for the next 100 days I’m reminding of just taking small steps daily to accomplish your goals. There are times that we look at the bigger picture of what we want and many of us decide to take on the whole project all at once and when we fail to meet the goal we are disappointed and many times will back up from the project or even quit. I’m a firm believer is just do a little bit daily. So as we begin again blogging each day we are going to just take small steps everyday to continue to meet our goal.

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High