Travel Photography

20 Genres of Photography

When I first started in Photography I had never studied anything regarding photography. Besides knowing about having a camera and taking a picture in the moment that is as far as my knowledge went. When we 1st started capturing images we believe we were the “everything” photographer so whatever was needed for any of your photography needs we had you covered. After awhile we discovered the types of images that we enjoyed.

Here is a list of 20 Genres of Photography

  1. Portrait

  2. Travel

  3. Wedding

  4. Fashion

  5. Street

  6. Photo Journalism

  7. Fine Art

  8. Marco

  9. Still Life

  10. Sports

  11. Food

  12. Architechtual

  13. Documentary

  14. Astro Photo

  15. Candid

  16. Underwater

  17. Abstract

  18. Stock

  19. Commercial

  20. Advertising

What is your favorite genre

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