Photography Workshop

Our Photography Journal: Day 26 : Jade Ladson -Special Event Planner Extraordinaire

We are telling our story of how we entered into this photography journey and how things began for us……Our Story!

The Year 2010

Jade Ladson Special Event Planner Extraordinaire

She came to us from a referral from Brandi Starr

Jade, reached out to us for an event she had coming up And needed a photographer.

We came serviced the event everything turned out great.

After the event Jade arranged for a meeting with her to learn more about our services. We are able to meet and I was able to share more of our photography services and shared our portfolio of our custom decoration that we’ve created thus far.

From that meeting Jade hired us for more events. We were thankful for the opportunities she presented to us. In the process of the growing relationship between our companies Jade became a business mentor assisting with many internal challenges that we would face as a small growing company. She assisted with our communication style in dealing with unhappy clients as well as helping us to manage our emotions in business.

We continued to work together more events and custom decorations.


One major opportunity that came to us via Jade Ladson (The Special Occasion) She placed an order with us for a custom Polo Inspired theme party supplies we created this project for the client and posted our creation on our blog. This particular project we organically began to received clients all over the country requesting orders for these collection.

Polo Theme Birthday Party.jpg

For the next several years (2011- 2014) This was our top selling collection to date. We could go on and on about Jade and the work she done as an wedding planner, event planner Business mentor (coach) & Problem solver. So very thankful for the referral and all the history that was created in between.

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Jade Ladson currently is the principal planner and owner of J.Ladson Weddings Full Service Wedding Planning Firm

It’s Our Anniversary!

15 years and counting…

Kustom Kreation Photography

Our Photography Journal: Day 24 : Experience Photography Workshop

We are telling our story of how we entered into this photography journey and how things began for us……Our Story!

The Year : 2010

Experience Photography Workshop

We were inspired by Brandi Starr

That there was a photography workshop by Ross Oscar Knight taken place and it would be a good idea if I was able to attend. After doing the research and receiving the cost of attendance I was on a mission to go. Once again I reached out to my oldest brother and ask if he wanted to invest in my future and how taking this class will make a difference in my photography journey.

My brother than sent me a portion of the monies to attend the class and I was able to hustle up the remains. The cost of class was $950

So happy to be in attendance the class was just like the name of the workshop : Experience. Photographers from all around the country was in class to develop and learn.

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1st day was all about photography and Toss equipped us with his formula in taking pictures the 2nd day was all about the business of photography. There was also two sets of models during our workshop where we all were able to capture images to display our different styles. We were able to submit our images to get honest feedback.


Despite equipment intimidation and the need to advance my gear

This workshop allowed me to open myself up more to the world of photography all the possibilities and to network with fellow photographers from around the country.

If you are not familiar with Ross Oscar Knight check it out his work is phenomenal

It’s Our Anniversary!

15 years and counting…

Kustom Kreation Photography

Portfolios & Perspectives Workshop - One year Ago

One year ago today we hosted our very first workshop entitled Portfolios and Perspectives!!! This day was such a special one where it brought together my love for photography and event design!!! AJs Catering Atlanta, GA provided the delicious delights and dynamic speakers Vanessa Parker The PinkBoss Helena Paschal Correlations, LLC-Event Training provided the attendees with solid information to build their businesses... and Me!! All I could do is smile from ear to ear.... When you see a vision come to life and everything came together!!!! Thankful for all the participates and staff!!!! More to Come! Let's build Together!