Building from scratch

Building from Scratch

I remember back in 2009 when I first begin creating custom party supplies and selling them. This was the 1st time that I actually someone saw my crafty work at an event and ask me how much I charge to create them something for their celebration. Fast Forward 2022 we are working on building up informational package to share with our fellow entrepreneurs and business owners that will provide tools and resources to assist with the navigation out here on these online streets.

Recently I've met with people that have a message that they would like to share and looking for easy ways to create content to where they can share it on the different social media platforms.

Over the years we've been able to navigate our way on the different platforms and work to keep up with trends and the many changes that take place daily. What was new and improve yesterday no longer is the hot thing on the block.

We look forward to sharing our latest project and being able to assist those persons that can use the resource that we are creating.

Everyday Writing 2022

Vibe High