Make Moves Monday!

Happy Monday! Happy 1st week in March! We are here! The beautiful month of March! The weather has been great here in Atlanta where I am and the trees are in bloom. We are working this week to get quite a few things that keep rolling over on our to do list done today and this week!

Today we were able to make updates on our website. Whew! This has been on our list for quite awhile, but if you know anything about updating websites with new information and can be a very time consuming task. I’m just glad we got started. We still have more to go, but its a work in progress.

We also was able to lots of follow-up. For the past few weeks we’ve been out on assignment and that caused a delay in following up. So today we were able to get that done and crossed off the list.

Another task that we need to accomplish is catching up on our blog. We have fell off from our #100daychallenge and now its up to us to get back steady on the blog.

How’s your Monday going so far?! Make sure to comment below!

Until next time have a great week ahead!

Everyday Writing 2023

Vibe High