Make Moves Monday- Motivation

It’s Make Moves Monday and I see that 2023 is in full swing! This is the 2nd Monday in the new year. For us everything is going pretty smoothly. We are still working on organization in our daily activities. We are working to maximize our time that way at the end of the day we can feel productive as though we have accomplish somethings.

I don’t know about you , but I have a running to do list in my head that I fail to write down. I know I need to do it, but I just simple refuse to jot it down so that I can get it crossed off the list.

Today was a battle, I made myself write down those little task that need to be brought to completion. It is imperative to cross them off the list and write done by them. I’m always trying to rush on to what’s next with out fully completed the previous project. I’ll get all the way down to the finish line and than go real slow….

Well today we wrote it down and was making it happen.

I will give a little grace. Prior to sitting down and getting stuff done in office, we were outta office earlier this morning to drop my son off at school and than off to run errands. The main errand was to get a new sticker for my car. My birthday is coming up and I almost forgot that its that time of year to renew your tags…

How was your second Monday in 2023 Feel Free to comment below!

Everyday Writing 2023

Vibe High