100 Day Dream Challenge- Completed

I’m am so excited that I’ve officially completed the #100daydreamchallenge

This challenge was presented by one of my favorite online influencers Brother Ben X

to challenge his audience to decide to do something for the next 100 days. During that time he even asked the question when is the last time you did anything for 100 days straight. That started me to thinking. In actuality I don’t know of anything that I actually challenge myself to do for 100 days straight. I decided to write a blog post daily. So for 100 days straight I’ve posted on my blog. This challenge has really encourage me to keep going. I was inspired to write daily a few years ago when I subscribed to Seth Godin Blog I admired the fact that he writes a blog post daily. I’m patting myself on the back, whistling Dixie.. and even break dancing (not really , but in my head) that I officially completed the challenge. This has gave me a daily habit of writing and I would like to continue posting daily! Here’s to a challenge of daily content!