Valentine Memories from the Past

Valentine's Myself and Family Photo Session - Blast from the Past Session  Year 2008

So in honor of Valentine's Day we thought we would share our experience of creating memorable photos of my sons. As most parents we like to create memorable experiences for our children and for me being a photographer and a special holiday of sorts comes up why not set up a backdrop grab the kids and create memories... It's sounds like a good idea and it looks like everything will be success, but with a two month old babies.. Images can be so unpredictable. Looking back on this Family Self portrait it makes me laugh seeing that things were not perfect, but it did create a memory and put a smile on my face.

Valentine's Family Portrait Session
Valentine Self Portraits

So to all you families, couple's , singles and kids.. Make it a memorable day and do something that will put a smile on your face.

Enjoy your Special day of Love!